Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Writing A Strong College Admissions Essay

Writing A Strong College Admissions Essay Writing an essay can be a difficult task, however this module will equip you with the necessary knowledge and skills to successfully write an essay. To outline the method of researching and preparing to write an academic essay. A step-by-step strategy to prepare for, research and write an academic essay. Imagine a reader, then try to predict their objections to your argument, and then demonstrate why they are wrong. A well-structured essay should consist of a series of paragraphs that progress logically through the series of points that you intend to cover. While you are reading, bear in mind what sort of material you are looking for in order to address the assigned topic. Even if you do come across a lot of interesting material when researching for your essay, be selective. Interesting material won’t gain you extra marks unless it is relevant. Good essay writing is a skill acquired rather than learnt. If you feel that you need more help in writing an assignment - then you can get free help at the HELPS unit. We’re located in building 1 level 3 room 8, just across from the Concourse café and the Careers Office. Please feel free to come and visit us and chat to an Advisor about receiving academic language support to complete your assesements. Now let's try and identify the essential elements to a paragraph by looking at an example taken from our assignment question. You’ll notice the first sentence is the topic sentence which clearly states the theme of the paragraph. Here you should summarize what it is that you have said in your essay, stating what your answer to the question is and why. Often, there is no simple answer (which is why you are writing an essay, and not a two-mark answer on a class test), so you should state what the complexities of the issue are. You may feel that you are repeating yourself, as the body of your essay should have made your argument clear already, but the reader will appreciate a good summary. Remember that good essays don’t just give evidence for their point of view, but also demonstrate why opposing views are flawed. Obviously, the difficult part is working out what that order should be. In essence, an essay is an argument, so your structure should be based on the particulars of your argument. Although this may sound obvious, a lot of essays lose marks for containing material that is simply irrelevant. Make sure that you read the assignment sheet thoroughly and are sure about what it asks for before you start reading for the essay. This is followed by the explanation or argument and then substantiated through the integration of evidence and demonstration of examples. Notice that it is important to include some form of critical analysis or observation. Finally, your concluding statement should articulate your voice or opinion. In addition to commencing your paragraph with a clear topic sentence, it is important to use linking words and phrases to create cohesion within and across paragraphs in your writing. The words you see on your screen are what we call transition signals or signpost words, and they can help the reader follow the order and flow of your ideas. We can tell that this is a preview from the use of key words such as “this essay will focus on”. Notice that further into this paragraph, signposting language is used to designate the structure of the essay, for example phrases such as “the first, second and last section”. Notice too that even a preview into the conclusion is mentioned here. This outline of your essay will set up a sort of contract with your reader, explaining what you will deliver to them in the body of your essay. This is designed to orientate the reader and provide them with some sort of context beforehand. It is absolutely critical to prepare your reader with this type of background information-do not immediately launch into your argument. Let’s imagine then, that we have spent some time and worked on our first draft of our essay and have written the introduction to the essay question. We can analyse the text in our sample introduction and look at the elements it needs to contain. In a previous online tutorial video we introduced you to a real-life assignment question and talked about how to structure the introduction and conclusion to an essay. Today we are going to have a look at the structure of a body paragraph â€" these paragraphs make up the most substantial part of an essay, report or case study. HELPS is dedicated to providing English language and academic literacy support to UTS undergraduate and postgraduate coursework students via free con-credit programs and services. This is the third paragraph of our introduction which contains a preview of the essay. This functions as kind of map to navigate the reader. Approaches vary from person to person and will depend on one’s experience in essay writing, almost to the point where a style of writing will be as individual as a signature. The ASK service is run by Student Academic Leaders who have demonstrated abilities in academic writing, research and general all around awesome-ness. If you are struggling to write the introduction, reword the essay question in your own words. Essays are a widely used form of assessment that is used by lecturers. As a student you will need to demonstrate the ability to create a coherent and logical argument that proves that you understood the course work.

Monday, August 17, 2020

Essay Tips

Essay Tips You also won’t have to wait till an expert in your subject is free. There’s always a writer to pick up your order within a couple of minutes after you made a payment. Get a refund before a paper has been downloaded. Examples are great way of supporting your ideas. People will understand better, rather than when you are trying to explain it in your own words. Another way of making your essay interesting and engaging to your reader is by using relevant evidence, such as statistics. The reader will see that you took your time to research and now you understand the point. Ensure there is a logical presentation of ideas. Create a list at the end of the paper where you acknowledge all the books and articles you referred to in your own written piece. If you don’t cite the sources, you might be accused of plagiarism. At this stage of essay writing, focus primarily on the content. Take your time and organize the information you have in a logical narration based on the outline. If you don't care about reducing alcohol advertising, don't pick this topic for a persuasive essay. If you decide to write about something that matters to you, you will sound more convincing. Had I selected a more vague topic like “American Women in the 1930s and 1940s”, it would have been a far more difficult essay to write. Avoid losing focus and concentration in your essay. If need be, keep checking the title of your essay to remind yourself to stick to the purpose of the essay. To get there, we tell our students, they’ll need a meaningful, effective, multistep writing process. Practice timed essay writing with sample test questions before test day. With a little practice, you may not feel as pressured by the clock on test day. As you write and gather more evidence, your thesis statement may change â€" and that’s okay! Thesis statements are not set in stone; they are meant to change as the paper develops. It is important to have a topic that is specific enough that finding sources is relatively easy, but broad enough that you can write many pages about it. As an example, I wrote a 12-page paper on the effect of World War II on the rights of women in American society. And essays don’t emerge, fully formed, like Athena from Zeus’s head. No student can create such an essay in one draft. This will confuse your reader as you go back and forth with your ideas. Focus on the topic and the purpose of your essay. We’re confident enough that you’ll enjoy the essay written for you. But we know things happen, that’s why we offer the money-back to any customer looking for one. But what we’ve just described is a final essay -- that is, a product. Readers will get bored if you are writing on a dry subject matter. If your topic is just boring, you can bring some life in it by using, illustrations or statistics.

Am I A Jerk For Refusing To Write Two Essays In Order To Attend My Sisters Wedding, And Other Advice Column Questions

Am I A Jerk For Refusing To Write Two Essays In Order To Attend My Sister's Wedding, And Other Advice Column Questions Also remember, that not all sources you read will be useful, it takes time to find really good sources you can use for your paper. For a social science paper between 6-8 pages you generally should read at least 10 relatively good sources. This will tremendously improve the clarity of your writing and will help people outside your discipline to better follow and understand your arguments. There are important stylistic guidelines you should follow in the body of your paragraph. Try to explain specifically and clearly how each argument relates to your thesis to make sure your essay sounds more cohesive. Also remember that paragraphs are limited to one idea and should also make a clear point that connects to your argument and thesis. Here is a very usefulhandouton paragraphs and transition. For example, you should try and use the same terminology as you find in the literature in order to sound more professional and scholarly. You should also ensure that there is transition and flow between each paragraph and between each argument. The main body consists of one or more paragraphs of ideas and arguments. Each paragraph develops a subdivision of the topic. The paragraphs of the essay contain the main ideas and arguments of the essay together with illustrations or examples. The paragraphs are linked in order to connect the ideas. However, you can fall into the trap of adding things that are not necessarily relevant to your topic, resulting in a larger paper then the assignment requires. Doing too little research on the other hand, might not give you enough information on the topic and make for a shorter paper. Mainly it addresses the main arguments and debates in the literature on your topic and how your line of argument is consistent or different from those. It will help you to pick up contradictions and weaknesses in your arguments before you start writing and it keeps you from going off-track. This is also a good stage to check with your professor or TA. Warrant is a fancy term that basically shows the relevance of the claim. It is the principle that lets you connect reason and claim. It is the logical connection between a claim and a supporting fact . Sometimes, that logical connection will be clear and obvious, where no explanation from the writer is needed. More often though, the writer needs to supply the warrant, explain how and why a particular piece of evidence is good support for a specific claim. What is meant is that our essay writing service provides the same type of assistance you would get if, say, you asked for a help from a tutor proficient in respective field of study. b) We carefully check your instructions with our essay writers and a personal essay writer is assigned to your order. However, to make your argument more clear, you also needwarrant. The size and detail of this depends on the size of the paper. If you are writing a longer paper, this could be its own section. You can meet with them in person or e-mail them your outline and thesis to get feedback. Check out thisoutline handoutfrom the Writing Centre. Students also tend to fall in the two categories of doing too much research or too little research. Doing too much research can definitely give you a better understanding of the broader issue of your topic, and this can be noticed in your writing.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Am I A Jerk For Refusing To Write Two Essays In Order To Attend My Sisters Wedding, And Other Advice Column Questions

Am I A Jerk For Refusing To Write Two Essays In Order To Attend My Sister's Wedding, And Other Advice Column Questions When I was in school when I was younger, all assignments were page count. Many authors use word count as a motivational tool. Now it's time to gather the all-important information and quotes to support your arguments. It might seem a little counter-intuitive to start writing an essay before you've sourced all your quotes and references, but there's a method to our madness. Once you've done this, actually writing the essay should just be a case of bulking out each point and filling in the gaps. Next, decide your approach â€" how are you going to tackle the question? This is not accurate for academic papers with 1″ margins. This would depend heavily on how big/small you write. it’s like different fonts take up different amount of space on a page, so does your specific handwriting. The best way to know your per page word count would be to look at past pages and count the number of words you write for each page. 500 word essays are very common throughout middle and high school English curriculums, especially as book reports, or summaries of current events. You can easily check page count in word processors like Microsoft Word and Google Docs, but for a quick reference use our table below. A word count of 750 words will equal about 1.5 pages single spaced or 3 pages double spaced. Of course it will depend on the word processor settings, what font and font size you're using and page margins. However, with a standard 12 point Arial or Times New Roman font and default page margins your results should be about the same. Check out our list of the best foods for brain fuel to see what else will get you off to the best start (and keep that flying start going!). The answer is one page single spaced or two pages double spaced. It's your essay and, as long as you keep relating your arguments to the question, you can take it in any direction you choose. Don't worry, it's far from the only brain food that'll help you write an essay. To help them from getting stuck and editing each sentence over and over again as they write, they choose a minimum number of words they want to write each day. These words may not be perfect and will likely need to be heavily edited, but it gets the ideas down and keeps them from getting stuck on one area of their book. It’s a way to motivate them to get the book done. It works well for me, but I know others who don’t do well with it. I think it depends a lot on your personality, but forcing myself to be consistent day in and day out helps me get my books done. Examples of 750 word count pages include high school essays, questions for take home exams, product reviews and love letters. Use our online word count tool to quickly count how many words are in your essay or blog post. Use the research you gathered earlier to support the key ideas you set out in your outline, but don't ramble for the sake of it. Try to be concise and have faith that the strength of your arguments will take you to around 2,500 words. While your essay plan should see you through, there's nothing to say that more ideas won't occur to you as you go along. You've had your brain-fuelling lunch, and now it's time to get typing. Also, if you're using Microsoft Word to write your essay, make use of the automatic referencing system. Without a daily word count, I would never complete them. For assignments that require double spacing, it would take approximately 250 words to fill the page. it’s time consuming, but any other estimate is bound not to be accurate since it’s so dependent on your handwriting. Why is everything word count these days instead of page count?

Online Essay Writing Service

Online Essay Writing Service There are IELTS and TOEFL rubrics that you can use to provide feedback on essay quality if you like. Check grammar, punctuation, spelling, paraphrasing, and vocabulary, or outline essays and write hypertext narratives. Each match is shown with a link to additional field-related readings, listenings, and glossaries to help you extend your field-related learning. To check your word count, copy-paste your text into the text area above and click Word Count. The word counter will also count your sentences and calculate your sentence length. This feature is useful if you are aiming for a more conversational style with a shorter average sentence length, or if you are aiming for a more academic style with longer sentences. For details on what is counted and what is not, see the Word Counter page. If you write essays in your second language for high school or college, check your essay for embarrassing errors that a teacher would deduct points for. For more information about all of the advantages of using the Virtual Writing Tutor essay checker tools. In any case, the essay ends somewhere different from where it began. The reader has learned something, precisely because the author has. In sum, the student essay falls into the same genre as the essays we ourselves write. Although all of those arguments have merit, our own thinking on the subject is both more old-fashioned and more radical. This method can be an effective way to finish an essay on the abstract theme â€" leaving the reader the ability to make their own interpretation. On average, an essay takes about 40 working hours â€" that includes the time you need to write rough drafts, edit and proofread. Make sure you have allocated enough time to do your best work. You always want to arrange essays in a way that clearly presents the main idea and provides vivid images. One option for adding imagery is through quotations from other literary works. Epithets, metaphors, hyperboles are at your service! They will help you add interest to the essay, but, as mentioned above, you need to know when to stop. Not all essays will require you to wrap up the ending so nicely, some topics may allow for an uncertain ending. If you make too many errors, your writing will be difficult to understand. Wouldn’t it be a shame for a teacher to miss the excellent points you made because of poor grammar? To avoid this, always use proofreading software, such as Grammarly, to weed out the major errors. Follow up with a close reading of your entire paper. If you want to write better essays, you will need to understand the criteria teachers use to score them. A thesis is the main idea or argument that guides an essay. The thesis sets up what the reader can expect to learn from your essay. In just one sentence, it explains how you plan to answer the prompt. Conventions include spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, and grammar. Having lots of mistakes suggests carelessness and diminishes the credibility of your arguments. We think the essay form is still the best way for students to think hard on the page -- but we are not fans of formulae. Instead, we’re in favor of inquiry-based learning, evidence-rich analysis and process work. It takes time to develop the perfect essay from a couple of interesting ideas. If your essay is too long, you may run the risk of losing track of the question that you should be answering. A few well-written and organized paragraphs that answer the question and showcase your command of language may score better than pages and pages of writing.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

How To Write Essay?

How To Write Essay? Don’t contradict yourself, even if you look at the problem from different angles. Now that you understand the basic types of essay formats, here are some tips that will help you create the perfect essay. Conclusion, in which you sum up your views on the topic. try several approaches and make sure that each sentence conveys your message. Lucy is a generalist able to cover a wide range of topics, from marketing to women themes. Feel free to contact Lucy and to check out Buzz Essay. Writing the College Essay can be one of the most intimidating aspects of the college application process. Students can visit the official site of My Gov India and participate in the competition. Sign up for an intensive English course and improve your English in as short a time as possible. Courses available from a minimum of two weeks upwards. Pick a subject that you can find enough material about. Is your aim to offer the steps to solve a particular problem, persuade readers in your point of view, or educate people about some idea, person or event? Templates for Pages can help you format your essay in the proper style â€" APA, MLA or other. If you have the Pages for iOS app, you can access over a 150 different templates with the touch of a button. Your research is there to make your argument even stronger. We ask students to begin by exploring something specific in the text, rather than a big idea or generalization. That means she must begin by admitting, “I don’t understand” -- a daunting and difficult prospect. A little while back, we wrote an essay arguing against killing off the undergraduate essay. The piece generated a lot of reaction, much of it focused on the question of what an essay should be. Finally, you have to provide the reader with a concise conclusion. For details on the grammar checking API, see our Grammar Check API documentation page. A trained IELTS examiner might score your essay a little higher or lower, but I am confident that the Virtual Writing Tutor’s IELTS practice tests will help you improve. The system provides valuable tips and corrections on a range of essay features to help you improve your essay so you can get better and better. After many years of research, I have developed a special method of quality detection that I call Latent Essay Feature Analysis . I use it to discover what makes a great essay great. Then, I use Model Essay Proximity Scoring to determine how closely your essay resembles the ideal essay response for each test prompt. NCERT and MY Gov India has together launched the ‘Online Essay Writing Competition’ for students of classes 9 to 12. While the conclusion may be the smallest piece of the essay, it is often the most important. Make sure you clearly state the conclusion and that it logically follows from the information you have provided. Regardless of whether you agree or disagree with the proposed issues and solutions, you need to logically support your point of view. Therefore, try to explain your position by offering logical and consistent arguments. Carefully read your paper and remove the mistakes. Find reliable websites with such domains as .org (non-profit), .edu , and .gov . Google Scholar and Google Books are both awesome ways of finding out what’s available in terms of your topic. Avoid websites in which information may be edited by anyone, like Wikipedia. Almost every writing assignment requires a student to make a research. Go back and read through your paragraphs; you might need to rearrange them. You’ll want your strongest paragraph to be first, you second strongest paragraph to be last, and your weakest paragraphs in the middle. If you are feeling a lack of focus, try this writing app. It was specifically designed to eliminate distractions â€" no spell checkers, no auto-correction, no toolbars. When you get to this stage in the writing process, you might be burned out.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Top Essay Writing ✒️

Top Essay Writing âœ'️ I turned into a complete control freak, texting my writer five times a day, making a lot of fuss around my order. Grateful he put up with my breakdowns and wrote A PERFECT term paper after all. Although there are some basic steps to writing an assignment, essay writing is not a linear process. You might work through the different stages a number of times in the course of writing an essay. With years of hard work and constant development, we have gotten on the list of the best essay writing services that give solid guarantees. Hiring an essay writer online is a great investment for you as a student. You get the chance to learn from experienced pros who are ready to share their skills and knowledge with you. You have to think of good reasons to support your position. Remember to write an argument essay that is to the best of your own abilities. , you can message the assigned writer directly using handy and secure chat board. Feel free to ask them any questions about your paper at any time. Your writer will reply to you as soon as possible. They are qualified at or above the level you requested. Nonetheless, many students save their essays for the last minute and stay up till morning trying to string those 3,000 words together. Request dissertation help, and we will find an eligible writer with a PhD degree in your field to create an outstanding dissertation just for you. There are experts in MBA, History, Literature, Arts, Accounting, Marketing, Nursing, Math, and other subjects on the team. Make an order, and we’ll match you with a subject-relevant writer having the necessary qualification to fulfill your order up to par. Contact your writer for free anytime using the Message board. They helped me with my essays so I had the time to study for exams. For example, you may go back to the reading and notetaking stage if you find another useful text, or perhaps to reread to locate specific information. Each online essay writer from our team knows the rule of thumb â€" no copy-paste job allowed! We check papers for originality before sending them to you. Rest assured that you will get a 100% unique piece, created from scratch and up to all your instructions. By making an order beforehand, not only do you save money but also let your dissertation writer alter the paper as many times as you need within the 14-day free revision period. If you have a complicated task at hand, the best solution is to pick a 3+ day turnaround. In this last module, you'll learn how to write the most common type of college essay. The argument essay is probably the most fun essay to write too. In this one, you will try to convince your reader to believe your argument or position on some controversial topic. The most popular are essays, research papers, assignments, reports, term papers, and case studies. Yes, in addition to professional writers, there are editors and proofreaders on the team. It’s a great solution if you need to free up some time. Log in to your personal account to track the writing process. You can also text your essay writer directly and ask them anything about your project. More than 40% of orders are done beforehand without any extra fee. When a writer sees that texts could be written faster, rest assured they will complete your order before the estimated deadline. We offer professional term paper writers with degrees in 35+ fields. The essay is the most common written assignment at college. Tell us ‘write my essay online,’ specify your subject and topic, and receive a compelling English essay within your deadline. We will ask you to share only your essay paper instructions and contact details with us. This data, as well as your chats with the assigned paper writer, will be secured with SSL Data Encryption.

Monday, August 10, 2020

True Essay Typer At Essay Writing Service Uk

True Essay Typer At Essay Writing Service Uk You should be familiar with the type of exam that you will be taking and how you will use it to show how you will use a topic. There are also samples of some AP topics that you will need to review. One example of a kind of question would be the word passages or a passage on some sort of topic. Each passage is presented in some sort of form of writing and reading. A third type of test on the AP Exam is a sample test that will provide you with a variety of different types of examples. You will need to answer different types of questions on a variety of different types of situations. But it became clear that Josh has an obsessive, if not always positive, relationship with piano, and so there’s something there. So we decide that Ramya is going to write about the Patriots. The question is how she’s going to demonstrateâ€"through her football fandomâ€"that she is a mature and thoughtful person who will be a good member of any college’s community. Each time you take a sample, you will have more time to review the answers to specific questions. As you can see, there are a variety of tests on the AP Exam. There are exams that test you on a specific topic and others that have a lot of examples. Some connection between your past, your present, and your future. It’s common to see a student choose an important experience in their past, narrate the whole thing beautifully, but then forget to tie it to the present. The college application process has a logic to itâ€"and it’s one you, the applicant, can both navigate and trust. All those essays, all those forms, all those questions? Our writers are the best in the business and are divided amongst undergraduate and graduate level writing and section of specialization. We've successfully helped 50,000+ university students in the US with our premium custom essays. Your essay can draw on whatever moves you, regardless of when the anecdote, event, or inciting incident you’re writing about occurred. Often students want to know how to handle feedback they may disagree with. Josh did some writing about his relationship with his sister and his brother, and that might find a home in the secondary essays. Not as long as he tells us how surfing influences himâ€"as he did in extracting a wider lesson. You may not be thrilled at the prospect of spending the summer before your senior year on college applications. But getting going in June after your junior year and committing to a few exercises over the summer will be like spring training for summer athletes. Duplicating will not only disqualify you as a writer, it will also sabotage the future you are aspiring to build for yourself. Be sure to take the time to review the type of paper that you will be required to write. Reviewing the samples is also an easy way to understand the concepts that will be presented on the test. Before you even start writing, think about whether your potential topic is influencing the way you think about the present, and, crucially, the future. He writes beautifully about his grandfather teaching him about the waves, but he’s not a pro surfer, and might even be going to college in the middle of the country. You will need to be able to read the passage and understand the concept presented. You may need to make some sort of comparison between the passage and the concept presented.

Essay Writer & Essay Writing Service

Essay Writer & Essay Writing Service More than 60% of papers written by our experts don’t require revisions. A paper delivered on time is a paper written by You can search for information and facts provided by scientists who don't believe in global warming. You can write a really fun essay making a case for them, but you can also use those claims just to shed light on the side of the issue that students and teachers rarely think of. You can order essay from the last minute essay writing service. Outsourcing the project to a writing company may be the solution you need, but you don't always have money for that. He loves to spend vacations on archaeological digs. Our team consists of professional essay writers who only produce original content. They follow strict standards to produce plagiarism-free papers. Try to start with something intriguing and promising. What happens if it's the end of the month and you're completely broke? That perfect solution slipped away and you feel more miserable than ever. In the best-case scenario, you would be able to give our essay writing service the deadline of 10 days. Head to your library or go online to find up-to-date sources that provide accurate, verifiable information about your topic. Narrow down your topic so your essay has a clear focus. Depending on your assignment, you may already have a specific topic you are supposed to write about, or you may simply be asked to write about a general theme or subject. Try to show how the arguments in each paragraph link back to the main thesis of your essay. From there, introduce the question about the work you'd like to address, and present your thesis. Create a thesis statement that summarizes your main argument. Once you've hit on a specific question or idea you'd like to address in your essay, look at your research and think about the major point or argument you'd like to make. If the assignment doesn't specify your topic, take some time to brainstorm. Try to pick a subject that's specific, interesting to you, and that you think will give you plenty of material to work with. The argumentative essay, in which the writer uses evidence and examples to convince the reader of their point of view. When a paper is written, you could use the free revision period (14-30 days) to have your term paper writer work on the texts more to make custom writing even better. If a tutor asks you to make some additions to your assignment, send this information to your writer and they will make all the necessary changes. Try to summarize your main point concisely, in 1-2 sentences. If you're writing an academic essay, or any type of essay that requires you to support your claims with evidence and examples, you'll probably need to do some research. Try our essay writer service and get a great discount on your first order. You’ll keep getting discounts as part of our loyalty program for all following orders you place. 34522 is passionate about writing, with a Master’s in English Literature from Bristol University. She writes full time â€" part time for student writing services and part time on detective stories. A Master’s degree in Classical Civilization from USC and a passionate love of all periods of history makes an excellent writer for academic papers. That goes to your advantage, since you’ll get the lowest price for the longest deadline. Are you having doubts about ordering papers online? This step will not only get you the best essay writing by the deadline, but will also help with your education. We cover a wide range of subject areas, so you can count on our best essay writing service to help you with assignments for all courses. Questions can be really effective for an introduction. Aim for an introduction that has an explicit relation to the topic/title of your essay, and avoid analyzing the topic in your first paragraph. There are many kinds of essays, but some of the common major categories are narrative, descriptive, expository, compare and contrast, and persuasive.

Essay Info

Essay Info So, you will be more likely to write it correctly next time. If they find mistakes that you make often, you will be able to watch more closely for that error as you write future essays. This friend will also be able to point out grammatical or spelling errors that you might have missed. Once the essay is written, go back through the writing to find any sentences that seem too long or wordy. You might have learned a large number of fancy words when studying for an entrance exam. It’s vital to write down or save the bibliographic information for all your sources, including websites. This information includes the author’s name, the title of the article or webpage, the page numbers , the date on which the source was published, and the URL . When you write your essay, you will likely need to refer back to this information and include it at the end of your paper. In general, the information on wiki sites isn’t trustworthy because anyone can change that information at any time. However, visiting the sources linked at the bottom of a wiki page is a great way to find reputable sources. But before you start using them in academic essays, be very sure you know what they mean in the context of your essay. This process will help expand your vocabulary over time. Using these words when you write will also make your essay more vibrant . Just make sure you learn something new every time you write an essay, and you willgrow your abilities. Students who complete the course and apply the lessons learned will have a full understanding of the essay writing process and how to achieve the best results. The use of Wikipedia for research is a controversial topic among academics, with many advising their students to stay away from the site altogether. The goal of writing any essay is to show that you can think critically about the material at hand . This means going beyond regurgitating what you’ve read; if you’re just repeating other people’s arguments, you’re never going to trouble the upper end of the marking scale. By rewriting the essay with the corrections in mind, you will teach yourself how to write those sections properly. You will create a memory of using proper grammar or spelling a word correctly. When considering how to write an academic essay, don’t wait until the last minute to begin your research. You may find that the information you need isn’t readily accessible online, so you might need to visit your local library or conduct more in-depth searches online. Persuasive essays are used to make an argument or persuade the reader to feel a certain way or believe something specific. Keep in mind that there’s a 100% plagiarism-free guarantee covering all customers at our website. We do not engage in paraphrasing/rewriting practices. We deliver genuinely original work that’s written just for you. We find a writer with an MA or PhD degree in the relevant area of study. This writer takes your instructions and develops a paper from scratch. You can’t get such level of personalization elsewhere. You can't write a successful essay unless you give yourself enough time to read, research, think and write. Don't procrastinate or leave it until the last minute; start as early as possible. Most students complete most of these assignments with little to no outside help. However, you never have to do it alone, because we are there each and every time. Work out your initial thoughts and ideas about the topic and write a quick, preliminary essay plan to help guide your research. Writing down everything you know about a topic won't make a good academic essay. Analysing, then answering the essay's question or task is central. As you can see, a writing agency is needed not just because students are after convenience. In fact, many of our customers hire us because they are very committed to their studies and they need instructions with these papers, so they can get better at writing. For students that are not that great at writing, the collaboration with a professional writing services can be a learning experience. As a college student, lab reports, articles, critiques, case studies, and a variety of other writing assignments will come your way. Academic essays explore complex ideas and information, but this doesn’t mean your writing has to be complex, too. Opt for simple, straightforward language whenever possible. After you gather your research, think about how you want to organize it. A simple five-paragraph essay should begin with an introductory paragraph, include three paragraphs presenting information or arguments, and end with a concluding paragraph. If your essay is longer than five paragraphs, it should still begin with an introductory paragraph and end with a concluding paragraph.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Essay Writing Tips For International Students

Essay Writing Tips For International Students While like an expository essay in its presentation of facts, the goal of the persuasive essay is to convince the reader to accept the writer’s point of view or recommendation. The writer must build a case using facts and logic, as well as examples, expert opinion, and sound reasoning. The writer should present all sides of the argument, but must be able to communicate clearly and without equivocation why a certain position is correct. A cousin of the narrative essay, a descriptive essay paints a picture with words. Delete any irrelevant sections; improve expressions by changing the vocabulary. Now write up your final draft and submit it before the deadline. At this stage, you’ll need a laptop to start writing the essay. It’s best to use one that’s particularly comfortable due to the hours it will take to craft. This is a bulletproof way to make the clients come back for more. I had my doubts when I first filled in the order form. After all, we are often told that you can never get a top paper for sale. The writer convinced me that the paper is going to be 100% original, so I decided not to waste time. The tutors reading and marking your essays deserve your consideration. They will be reading and marking many, many student essays. If you make your argument hard to follow, so that they need to re-read a paragraph to try to make sense of what you have written, you will cause irritation, and make their job slower. Realistically, it is possible that they may even decide not to make that effort. It is your task to present your argument in a way that your audience can follow; it is not your audience’s job to launch an investigation to detect the points you are trying to make. A writer might describe a person, place, object, or even memory of special significance. However, this type of essay is not description for description’s sake. The descriptive essay strives to communicate a deeper meaning through the description. In a descriptive essay, the writer should show, not tell, through the use of colorful words and sensory details. The best descriptive essays appeal to the reader’s emotions, with a result that is highly evocative. To find one that’s suitable, you can check out the best laptop for writers which is based on the ergonomic design of the device to make it easy for essay writers. This recommendation is from which is a website that specializes in reviewing laptops and electronics. Read and reread your paper to ensure the sentences are sensible and paragraphs flow into each other smoothly. Check the grammar, spelling, and punctuation make necessary corrections. The introduction leads your reader into the essay. The conclusion reminds your reader of the main points made in your essay and leaves your reader with a final impression and ideas to think about later. You don’t have to stay in one place and write from beginning to end. Give yourself the freedom to write as if you’re circling around your topic rather than making a single, straightforward argument. Then, when you edit, you can make sure everything lines up correctly. Underpinning the structure will be the ‘argument’ your essay is making. Again this may be strong and obvious, or it may be almost invisible, but it needs to be there. The conclusion should not just repeat the ideas from the introduction. The introduction includes the background to the essay, the important issues and a thesis statement. Let’s look at one of the paragraphs from the chocolate essay to see how the text is an interplay of the internal voice of the writer and the external voices of other authors. The Topic Sentence should unambiguously express the topic of the paragraph and be linked with the overall thesis of the essay.

Essay Writing Tips For International Students

Essay Writing Tips For International Students While like an expository essay in its presentation of facts, the goal of the persuasive essay is to convince the reader to accept the writer’s point of view or recommendation. The writer must build a case using facts and logic, as well as examples, expert opinion, and sound reasoning. The writer should present all sides of the argument, but must be able to communicate clearly and without equivocation why a certain position is correct. A cousin of the narrative essay, a descriptive essay paints a picture with words. Delete any irrelevant sections; improve expressions by changing the vocabulary. Now write up your final draft and submit it before the deadline. At this stage, you’ll need a laptop to start writing the essay. It’s best to use one that’s particularly comfortable due to the hours it will take to craft. This is a bulletproof way to make the clients come back for more. I had my doubts when I first filled in the order form. After all, we are often told that you can never get a top paper for sale. The writer convinced me that the paper is going to be 100% original, so I decided not to waste time. The tutors reading and marking your essays deserve your consideration. They will be reading and marking many, many student essays. If you make your argument hard to follow, so that they need to re-read a paragraph to try to make sense of what you have written, you will cause irritation, and make their job slower. Realistically, it is possible that they may even decide not to make that effort. It is your task to present your argument in a way that your audience can follow; it is not your audience’s job to launch an investigation to detect the points you are trying to make. A writer might describe a person, place, object, or even memory of special significance. However, this type of essay is not description for description’s sake. The descriptive essay strives to communicate a deeper meaning through the description. In a descriptive essay, the writer should show, not tell, through the use of colorful words and sensory details. The best descriptive essays appeal to the reader’s emotions, with a result that is highly evocative. To find one that’s suitable, you can check out the best laptop for writers which is based on the ergonomic design of the device to make it easy for essay writers. This recommendation is from which is a website that specializes in reviewing laptops and electronics. Read and reread your paper to ensure the sentences are sensible and paragraphs flow into each other smoothly. Check the grammar, spelling, and punctuation make necessary corrections. The introduction leads your reader into the essay. The conclusion reminds your reader of the main points made in your essay and leaves your reader with a final impression and ideas to think about later. You don’t have to stay in one place and write from beginning to end. Give yourself the freedom to write as if you’re circling around your topic rather than making a single, straightforward argument. Then, when you edit, you can make sure everything lines up correctly. Underpinning the structure will be the ‘argument’ your essay is making. Again this may be strong and obvious, or it may be almost invisible, but it needs to be there. The conclusion should not just repeat the ideas from the introduction. The introduction includes the background to the essay, the important issues and a thesis statement. Let’s look at one of the paragraphs from the chocolate essay to see how the text is an interplay of the internal voice of the writer and the external voices of other authors. The Topic Sentence should unambiguously express the topic of the paragraph and be linked with the overall thesis of the essay.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Promote Academic Integrity

Promote Academic Integrity Similarly, you may be asked to write a 5-page paper about volcanoes. Again, since you only have a limited number of pages, you may choose to focus on one particular volcano or one particular eruption, rather than trying to talk about volcanoes in general. At CreativeLive, We are here to help you tell your story and share it with the world. These classes will help you build confidence, improve your writing skills and help you get published. Use transition words to ensure a smooth flow of ideas from paragraph to paragraph. An outline shows your main ideas and the order in which you are going to write about them. If the question is “what is the best solution to the demarcation problem? ”, you’re going to want to identify what you think the examiner means by the terms ‘solution’ and ‘demarcation problem’. How are you going to define and operationalise those terms in your essay? Once you’ve proven that your argument stands, I want to know the significance of it. You’ll hear this quite a lot, and you’ll probably wonder what on earth it means. It’s important to understand it, because it can be the key to getting a high mark. Every question has hidden assumptions behind it. For example, in the question about ‘the demarcation problem’ above, there are assumptions that there is a single problem of demarcation, as well as a single best solution to that problem. Sometimes it’s enough to point out that these assumptions exist, and then to proceed with the essay by clarifying the definitions you’re using and the assumptions you’re working with. Sometimes you might think that the assumptions are fundamentally mistaken, or disguise a more important question. In that case, you’ll need to point this out, and then proceed to explain why, and to make your arguments within the essay using your revised understanding of the question. This is essential, because your argument has to have a clear definition of the terms you’re using in order for it to be coherent and responsive. This doesn’t mean you should use lazy constructions like “I am going to define ‘demarcation problem’ as ‘the question of how we can define ‘science””. That’s a perfectly reasonable definition (if you can defend it, and you should give a reason you’ve chosen a certain definition), but you need to be a little less clunky. Make sure you take notes on everything you read. In fact, write down a few potentially useful quotes verbatim. By now you should have identified the three arguments you find most compelling in defending your thesis. If you have a pretty clear idea about the sequence in which you want to present them, an outline might be most appropriate to you. Provide transitions between paragraphs that indicate to the reader how each paragraph relates to your thesis. It is not necessary to begin at the beginning; you can start writing wherever you feel relatively confident. You might, for example, begin by defining or explaining terms and concepts in your research question. Once you have done that, move on to another area you feel ready to discuss. Keep asking yourself what your reader will need to know, and write about that. Not everything written by a professional historian is true or persuasive. SeeHow to Read a Book.Readprimary sources critically as well. If there are special reasons why you do or do not believe what you read, say so in your paper. Compare and contrast essays require you to indicate areas in which the things to be compared are similar and different. There are two main methods of presenting an argument, and in general the one you choose will depend on exactly how the essay title is worded. Evaluate the quality of our papers in various disciplines and academic levels. We are the most organic writing service out there. At EssayTigers, we take care not only of your papers but also of the security of your personal data. All connections are protected by SSL certificate, and all information stored on our servers is encrypted. In the context of the question you’re answering, and the frame you’ve provided for your argument, why should I care about the point you’re making at this point in the essay? If you have not yet determined how you'd like to sequence them, mapping might feel more appropriate. Use secondary sources to find topics and provide context, but do not let them blind you to what you find in your primary research.

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Essay Punch Online

Essay Punch Online Visit ourCOVID-19 Resourcespage for updates and digital learning resources to assist students, teachers, schools and workers impacted by COVID-19. Curiosity drives an individual to search for an understanding of issues. When such interest becomes engraved in an individual, it molds students into independent individuals who find the truth while learning. ‘Demonstrate that you have understood the course material and write intelligently about your subject’. You can give suggestions, state limitations and scope of your approach in the concluding paragraph. Try to conclude the main points in a different way than stated in the body of the essay. Make sure that you do not deviate from the central idea and theme of the topic. State the most valuable and impactful point just after the introductory paragraph. Organize and develop the various aspects and points of the essay in a logical sequence. Plagiarism is the most serious academic offence. If you are found guilty of plagiarism you can fail the assignment or the class, or be suspended or expelled from university. It could even affect your chances of getting into a grad program, as it remains on your record, and you are required to give an explanation as to what happened . Use this tip sheet to ensure your paragraphs are performing the role they are meant to perform. Use this tip sheet to help you structure your supporting paragraphs. Use this list of transitional words and phrases as a reference for your writing. FEN Learning is part of Sandbox Networks, a digital learning company that operates education services and products for the 21st century. Infoplease is part of the FEN Learning family of educational and reference sites for parents, teachers and students. When you have such limited number of pages, you need space to develop your argument. However, don’t just ramble on and on, repeating the same arguments in different ways to fill-up space. The most important thing to remember after selecting your preferred citation style is that in-text citation must match the work cited list. Citation style also has to be consistent throughout the paper (i.e. you cannot go from APA to MLA). If you use sourcing engines to make your references, always double check their accuracy. Use the appropriate level of language for this type of writing.In this case, it is formal. Never “drop” a quotation into your paragraph.Always introduce the quotation and explain it after. Focus on your purpose â€"to persuade.Ask yourself throughout the writing process if that is what you are doing. Errors are harder to spot on a computer screen than on paper. If you type your paper on a computer, print out a copy to proofread. Remember, spell checkers and grammar checkers don't always catch errors, so it is best not to rely on them too much. Use transition words to ensure a smooth flow of ideas from paragraph to paragraph. An outline shows your main ideas and the order in which you are going to write about them. The point is, good citation is really important. You shouldn’t take the risk of being caught of plagiarism and you should give other academics due credit for their work. Check our encyclopedia for a gloss on thousands of topics from biographies to the table of elements. When the assignment says between 6-8 pages, it is better to do 8 than 6. State the central idea of the topic in a concise way. The first line of the paragraph should be able to capture the attention of the examiner in the first reading. Thank you for your patience as we continue to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic.

Essay Punch Online

Essay Punch Online Visit ourCOVID-19 Resourcespage for updates and digital learning resources to assist students, teachers, schools and workers impacted by COVID-19. Curiosity drives an individual to search for an understanding of issues. When such interest becomes engraved in an individual, it molds students into independent individuals who find the truth while learning. ‘Demonstrate that you have understood the course material and write intelligently about your subject’. You can give suggestions, state limitations and scope of your approach in the concluding paragraph. Try to conclude the main points in a different way than stated in the body of the essay. Make sure that you do not deviate from the central idea and theme of the topic. State the most valuable and impactful point just after the introductory paragraph. Organize and develop the various aspects and points of the essay in a logical sequence. Plagiarism is the most serious academic offence. If you are found guilty of plagiarism you can fail the assignment or the class, or be suspended or expelled from university. It could even affect your chances of getting into a grad program, as it remains on your record, and you are required to give an explanation as to what happened . Use this tip sheet to ensure your paragraphs are performing the role they are meant to perform. Use this tip sheet to help you structure your supporting paragraphs. Use this list of transitional words and phrases as a reference for your writing. FEN Learning is part of Sandbox Networks, a digital learning company that operates education services and products for the 21st century. Infoplease is part of the FEN Learning family of educational and reference sites for parents, teachers and students. When you have such limited number of pages, you need space to develop your argument. However, don’t just ramble on and on, repeating the same arguments in different ways to fill-up space. The most important thing to remember after selecting your preferred citation style is that in-text citation must match the work cited list. Citation style also has to be consistent throughout the paper (i.e. you cannot go from APA to MLA). If you use sourcing engines to make your references, always double check their accuracy. Use the appropriate level of language for this type of writing.In this case, it is formal. Never “drop” a quotation into your paragraph.Always introduce the quotation and explain it after. Focus on your purpose â€"to persuade.Ask yourself throughout the writing process if that is what you are doing. Errors are harder to spot on a computer screen than on paper. If you type your paper on a computer, print out a copy to proofread. Remember, spell checkers and grammar checkers don't always catch errors, so it is best not to rely on them too much. Use transition words to ensure a smooth flow of ideas from paragraph to paragraph. An outline shows your main ideas and the order in which you are going to write about them. The point is, good citation is really important. You shouldn’t take the risk of being caught of plagiarism and you should give other academics due credit for their work. Check our encyclopedia for a gloss on thousands of topics from biographies to the table of elements. When the assignment says between 6-8 pages, it is better to do 8 than 6. State the central idea of the topic in a concise way. The first line of the paragraph should be able to capture the attention of the examiner in the first reading. Thank you for your patience as we continue to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic.

Friday, July 31, 2020

How To Write An Essay Fast

How To Write An Essay Fast And the farther along in school you get, the more complex and demanding the essays will become. It's important that you learn early on how to write effective essays that communicate clearly and accomplish specific objectives. A university essay can be thought of as an extended answer to a question. Most importantly, it presents your position on a topic, which is often referred to as your argument. A guide to essay writing, including a number of helpful videos, is available in the CASE Toolkit for HE. Essays are used as assessment at University to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of a topic. They are also useful tools to promote thinking and learning. You are required to develop an argument and apply critical thinking skills to analyse a range of academic sources in support of your argument. The QUT cite|write booklet contains information on critical thinking. However, even an experienced writer needs to be deliberate and thorough in order to write a well-constructed essay. A final paragraph for a 1,000-word essay would be words in length. Make sure you have researched all the content, information accuracy checked. Try writing an essay in a way that the user finds it interesting and develops enthusiasm in it and finishes it completely. Write the first paragraph interesting as it draws the user’s attention and they keep them going. It is necessary to recheck it again after finishing the essay because making grammar mistakes is not acceptable in any essay writings. An essay assesses the strength of your critical thinking and your ability to put that thinking into a persuasive written form. A tutor can learn a worrying amount about the quality of your essay simply from how it looks on the page. As you research your essay topic, search for this story of surprise, and don’t start writing until you can find it. Every story is about conflict and change, and the truth is that essays are about conflict and change, too! The difference is that in an essay, the conflict is between different ideas, the change is in the way we should perceive those ideas. However, toward the end of my time as a student, I made a breakthrough. I figured out how to not only write a great essay, I learned how to have fun while doing it. So don’t be afraid of writing down your ideas before they are fully formed, or in the ‘right’ order. Good, constructively critical feedback can give you excellent guidance on how to improve your essay writing. It is worth attending to all of the suggestions and comments you receive, and trying to act on them. Crafting a report is an easy deal whenever you decide to cooperate with us. We will produce a document that will blow the teacher away. If you'll internalize the format presented above, you'll develop the ability to write clear and compelling essays. Take a page of paper and write your topic at the top. As you progress through school, you'll be required to write essays. You may feel that, for your particular essay, structures like these feel too rigid. You may wish to create a more flexible or fluid structure. As with teaching, it is often not until you try to communicate an argument and its evidence that you find where the gaps are in your knowledge or argument. I know personally how boring writing an essay can be, and also, how hard it can be to write a good one. Honestly, throughout most of high school and college, I was a mediocre essay writer. You will find a number of great books on essay writing in the Laidlaw Library, Level 1, under Skills E-5. Following body paragraphs These follow the same structure for as many arguments as you wish to put forward in support of the topic. No more cramming as the paper is delivered right on time. Having the ability to write effective essays will become increasingly important as you progress through high school and into college. Examples of this type of essay include questions which ask you to take a position on a topic, such as a particular decision or policy, and present arguments which support your position. An effective way to argue a point can be to present the opposing view first then counter this view with stronger evidence.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Report On Human Behaviour And Hrm Business Essay - Free Essay Example

In this report students have to describe 4 chosen theory of Human Behavior and Human Resources management topic. To support the theory students needs to analyze how its work in practice and describe in details the application of selected topic in the company where student did their work experience. In this report I will describe the following behavior theories: F.W Taylor management theory, Adams Equity Theory, McClelland acquired needs theory, Vroom Expectancy Theory. My chose HR topic is Planning, Recruitment and Selection and how this is applied in practice I will describe using my work placement experience in company called ADVANZ Hydrotherapy located in Tallaght Business Park, Dublin 24. Terms of References On January 2013 the Business Management teacher Karen Abberton requested a 4000-50000 word business management report on the Human Behaviour Theory and HRM. Students have to describe 4 motivation theories about human behaviour and analyse how these theories apply/work in the organisation where students do/did their work experience. This report was to be submitted by 13th March 2013 in partial completion of the FETAC, Level 6 (Business Management) module. Recommendations were requested. Method of Procedure Completing this report my first source of information was an actual work placement and theory covered in class. The information I got in the class I discussed with company manager, what helped me to analyze the theory and that use in real life. It is clear that theory is not fully used at work, but some of it ideas will be always placed in management work and strategy. My second source of information was internet, which I used to read more about the theories and how were these introduced to the world, why they took place in management history and what are the main points. Findings Description of HR topic Success of leading companies depends on the creation of efficient methods of human resources management at the organizational level. The main role of it is the formation of strategic approach to the use and development of labor potential. Any company needs to have a strategy and it is natural to choose employees to their respective strategies. I believe that the company business depends not only from the strategy but also from the management style and how managing department respect other people in the company. It is necessary that employees will be treated as assets of the company, as the human potential that needs to motivate and develop in order to achieve the strategic goals of the organization. Here in this part of assignment I will describe a very important part of human resource management job such as planning, recruiting and selection. Every successful manager or company must have a plan and there is no doubt about it. Plan is not only or ganizing a person or company to work properly and stable- it helps in many reasons such as achievements of better results and creating a better market shares, analyzing the job and set of new goals and made the job in the company more constant in the business its works. Plan is actual set of companys goals and that should be created absolutely in every department of the organization in order to achieve the better results. Having a plan will help to reduce a company cost on several aspects like overstaffed or overspending on materials if this is a factory or overstock in any retailers, but also will help to create a right picture of companys position in the market for every certain moment, will help to create a proper timetable for staff development and motivation, improves company whole business and finally plan this is what save company time and money. Also a well made plan helps managers to create a future picture about company development, like opening a new branch or set a ne w project or even hiring another staff member. There are different aspects of planning and this is depends on department where plan was set on. Human Resources planning consist of 3 terms: short term within a year- this is a plan for maternity leave or for temporary replacement, medium term gap (1 to 5 years) needs more care when taking this type of planning as this plan lasting for longer period and as example there might be a company project. The last one is long term gap which is more than 5 years plan, what could be a temporary career break. The main part of the job for Human resources department is to look after the company staff members, such as recruitment and selection, training and development, resolving staff problems and issues that arise and motivation. And all of these actions need a good, well thought plan. In my opinion the most difficult plan for Human Resources department is to settle down a proper employment contract or organize a disciplinary handbook. Be cause these actions are legal issues and needs to be created following the employment law legislation. Before starting recruitment process Human Resources department must go through a selection process. Preparing for recruitment process HR Department have to go through 3 stages: preparing job description-clearly mark job title and duties involved in it, qualification and skills requirements, terms and conditions of employment such as salary, bonuses, holiday days, clarify location of work. Then the HR department must to spread away job offer advertising. At the beginning company will let their staff members to know about job offer. This type of advertising called internal. Before placing an advertising externally HR Department have to think maybe there is a person who wants to be promoted or somebody wants to step back (internal demotion). May be here is somebody who wants to try new role and that called internal transfer, if employee would like to change a department temporar y or may be some of the staff members might recommend a right person for a role that been advertised. That shows respect to the staff members as a company wants their staff knows first about the offer made and this is mean that management does care about them plus that save a lot of time. If there is no right person within the company then advertising will be placed in internet or employment agencies- external advertising. Afterwards when company will receive a thousands of CV and application letters HR department have to settle down another plan or rule -how to choose interviewee. For sure, department will not spend their time going trough all CVs. If CV is not suits Company requirements or CV is not made according the standards (layout and grammar), such a CV will go to the bin. Preparing a CV a person has to make sure there are at least no grammar mistakes and layout looks professionally including a name, phone, address, education history, employment history, interest and hobb ies. Before completing the list of interviewees department has to create a picture of ideal candidate: defining the right education and qualifications, skills, experience. Aviations companies might even ask candidates send a picture as they have standards of how stewardess has to look like. Also HR will pay attention on personal qualities such as interest, ability to work with other, what motivates the person, did person completed an extra study, and how person works under stress and overall how the person cope with life. Analyzing a CV employer might pay attention on record of employment or gaps of employment and what was happened during these gaps. This is not really a good sign if employee was changing a job too often (as example every year) or if an employee worked too long with one company (more then 7 years). To understand these entire qualities interviewer will made a short list of questions for them and get ready for interview. There are different set of questions: dir ect-when there is only two answers like Yes or No. Topic-changing question- transfers an interviewee from one topic to another. This question is good in case if candidate went too long answering one question. And also creates a better flow and control during the interview. Probing questions allow interviewee to expand on their answers, but answering on such a questions candidate needs to attached evidence and experience, because that what employer are looking fro asking such a question. Opened-ended questions allows candidate to relax, because it is allows talk more and this is really suits shy candidate. Reflecting questions expecting an answer Yes or No. These are very straight questions. The last one is a specific question like: Tell me about time when, what level of achievement, how good are you on working with the team, what will you doing ifÃÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¦ There are many types and procedures organizing the interview and this are really depend on company str ategy. Sometimes there might just one to one interview- individual. The advantage of that interview is that interview is cheaper for the company and less stress for the interviewee, but because there is only one person doing the interview there is higher chance of personal attitude from the side of interviewer for an example racial discrimination, personal dislike, religion dislike. Interviewing panel-when is 2-3 interviewers attending the interview. This type of interview will be more expensive and much harder for candidate. But this is reducing level of bias. Selection board is when there are 3-5 interviewers and all of them involved into the interview. They will ask all different questions what create more challenging atmosphere for interviewee. This type of interview will suit for very confident persons and probably used when company hiring a person to cover a highest position in the company such as department manager. There is another type of interview called group sel ection. Candidates performing under the task given and employer will observe people while completing the task. This task is usually based on problem solving and this will help employer to see how candidates work in group, who is a leader and who is a follower. So the main function of interview is to check candidate for quality and credibility, because a lot of people are laying on their CVs. Employer will check candidates asking a probing questions as well. Usually if the candidate passes the first interview it will bring the person to second phase-assessment or second interview. During the assessment phase employer likes to use group interview or singly tested doing some exercises. Candidates will be more tested. During the interview candidates will get more information about the company, work place and job process and might get feedback on the results. The last phase of interview is negotiating part. This is time when employer will check all the references and go through last questions to clarify that offer is clear and accepted. Candidate discusses about terms and condition such as salary, bonuses, holidays days. If two parts of interview are happy enough candidates gets a position. Behavioral Theory Over the past years and decades, many successful organizations are increasingly paying attention to the quality use of a management system. Management of the companies are trying to establish an effective management system and one of the most important condition for the successful implementation is the involvement of staff in efforts to develop and improve the system. There are many different theories about staff motivation and effectiveness of management process, developed by experts and scholars such as F.W. Taylor, Maslow, Alderfer, McClelland, Hertzberg, McGregor and Vroom. Reading Scientific Management Theory written by F.W Taylor I had different opinion and feeling on it. I used to work in a company where I had an assistant manager position, so I do have some management skills. I absolutely agree with a theory in a sense that any senior person should have a clear plan of work and give clear instructions to workers and sometimes even give a time limit to complete the task. But in the same time company management have to realize that this type of management is not suitable for every organization. Companies where people have to work on their own initiative, like a designers, marketing departments, staff in crà ¨ches will not be able to follow the whole system as their work mostly requires a creative approach. Or some of logistic companies will not be able to follow this theory in all aspects, as their job depends on many factors like weather circumstances, or cars condition and other. But as Taylor I do not like people who are working just because they have to work. I am a person who likes and prefer to work while at work and work hard. I do understand that Taylor theory is totally suit people with workaholi c attitude. I pure agree that people who trying avoid the tasks or do work slowly in a purpose should not be treated as other hard working people or should be dismissed. There are main points of Taylors Theory: Management has find the best and quickest way of completing the task observing the tasks complication by staff members Define the best ways of completing the task based on the most rational way of doing the tasks and define the performance requirement for the results. Educate workers Selection of most suitable workers. According to Taylors theory the best works are people with high money motivation, who will work extremely hard if they know that they will receives some amount of money afterwards. Improvement of tools for work-make work completion as easiest as possible using the right materials or facilities and equipments Creating a best atmosphere for work Clear and understandable chain between the results and the amount of labor. The calculated s ystem of the work performed. Providing people with clear information about what they have to do and about their results Establishing good relationship between administration and workers. Reading trough his theory I did not find any evidence showing that factories where his theory was in use creates a good atmosphere at work and have good staff motivation. In my opinion this is not good work atmosphere where is a placement role like guards. Their part of job is to control other workers speed and not allowed them to work slowly or even slow down. This feels like people work in a sweatshop factory or they are like slaves. Concluding his theory I might say that this theory is good for the company, orientated on profit, results and good place in the market with high performance and leadership, but will not suit for many workers. As from the motivation aspects there is only money aspect that will push people to work, but how many people have such an attitude? I do not think th at just money might be a greatest motivator for people. Another theory which I like and very agreed with that is McClelland acquired needs theory. This theory is based on the fact that there are people who have an increased need for achievements and such a people usually work much harder and do better. But unique part of this theory is that people who have low level of such a need can develop it through training. This theory is totally apply to me as my experience shows if I do not received appreciate training or I do not get enough challenges I likely to became bored. A believe this is a good theory for staff motivation and developing. Using such a theory company management might create for themselves (organization) a good and professional group of staff members and avoiding staff flow and waste of time. Talking about Adams Equity Theory I might say that this is seems to me like ideal theor y for the employees. This theory based on fact that employees compare their job and efforts they put into it to the benefit, and rewards they getting back from it. And at the same time they compare themselves with somebody else at the same work and how other perform, how much effort they put and what they got. Because only comparing with somebody else might give an honest, fair balance. If an employee sees injustice, he is losing the motivation to inputs of effort at work and then there is an insult to the management. If wages are lower labor performed, the employee is making less effort such as starts late for work, leaving early, late on breaks and refuses taking an extra task or responsibility. If the employee knows that his wages are higher than labor performed than he/she feels guilty in sense of others and keeps work hard. Here is an equity comes. Saying that we cannot expect all people will follow this way for sure. Some people are happy to have a lot of money for doing no thing. Justice is equal to the ratio of labor costs to the reward. There is simple way of explaining Adams theory using such a diagram: Here in this diagram I tried to illustrate balance between outputs and inputs. Surely people would like to be treated properly and appropriate way, but how to know what is the right way. The more people there are the more different opinions. Different people respond differently on the sense of injustice. Understanding of the equity theory helps managers understand that improving the environment for a single person, you can change the perception of other people and upset the balance of weights and therefore, it will create more problems. That why in the beginning I sad that this theory is seems to be ideal for employee but very hard to manage for employer. Vroom Expectancy Theory Vroom Theory based on the fact that employees have different expectations as to what they do. Management needs to understand what resources, training and checks will suit to the right person. Vroom understands that performance of the employee is based on individual factors such as personality, skills, knowledge, experience and ability. The expectations theory states that people can be motivated if they have certain goals and expectations for the completed goals. Vroom Expectancy theory is based on 3 factors: Expectancy-management has to understand what kinds of resources are suitable for an employee. Instrumentality- management has to control that all employee expectation and promises were achieved. Valance-management has to realize what employee value and appreciate. These three beliefs interact psychologically and so are the motivators. Based on everything above Vroom has a formula where: motivation= Valance ÃÆ'Æ’- Expectancy. varticle/expectancy-theory-teoriya-ozhidaniy-vroom Behavioral Theory and HRM Before to start my work experience I set up a few goals which I liked to learn during the process. These were to learn about professional management and ethic while running a personal business and which necessary points I have to know employing people. There is no particular HR department in the company. Advanz Hydrotherapy HR department is an actual manager/director of the company. Communicating and discussing such a question with the manager I have to come back to the time when manager start his career in the Advanz. He creates a plan for personal development and skills achievements, as bathroom industry was completely new industry for him. He learned from the company founders, from the suppliers and competitors. Research reports about industry also fulfill his knowledge. Only when he brings himself to the certain level he took a managing position in the company. Summarizing this information I wa nt to say that from the personal development he understands what type of people he wants to see in the company and which skills are required for work. Because of the company size manager do not waste a lot of money or time during employment period. This is not a tall hierarchy level company, where needs to hire employees for different departments. Company needs only few people for the factory and few office people. He takes it simple and actually people who have been employed once still working in the company. There is no staff flow in the company, what actually mean that staff members are happy with everything. From another point it might be because of recession where people afraid to lose their job. Anyway if manager will need an extra person firstly he will use internal advertising. There are some evidences about it: when professional factory staff member left the company he brought his friend to cover his role. Manager does like taking people which are recommended from som ebody else, rather than wasting time and money for new staff members. But anyway if he is not able to find a right person within the company he will place external advertising using employment agencies. At the moment company employ only part-time employee, so company advertising letter will definitely state this factor, but they never state salary rate. Company never uses internet for employment. If company will need another factory floor worker the necessary skills will be: previous experience on working in the factory, plumbing experience, English language knowledge is essential, team work and good communication manners, good customer service. People with bathroom industry experience will have a better chance to get a work. Even if a possible employee has a good knowledge of work he will be provided by training anyway. Usually fixed-term employee will spend their time on training. So it means company uses sit beside training system. Essential skills for administration positi on: fluent English, good phone manners and excellent customer service, flexibility, managing skills, experience of administrative job or job in the office, good time management, strong bookkeeping knowledge. Relevant experience of industry is not essential but can be an advantage. Manager will not spend a lot of time checking CVs. If person suits require needs manager will arrange interview with that person. The interview flow the simplest way. Manager and assistant will invite the interviewee to the company office and will go through person CV. Mainly manager will pay his attention on skills and experience. He tries to create relax atmosphere during the interview. Usually the manger asks to tell more about previous experience, about the company where interviewee worked, his/her actual duties and actual works carried out. Having a wide experience in that industry manager will easily spot if person is lying and do not have any previous experience. The simple technical questions will let him to understand it. If manager will satisfy his needs and interviewee happy with company rules, salary and other benefits, the person is likely to get a work. During a time when students were looking for a work experience I attended few interviews and it was much structural and formal rather than here in this company. I just have a phone conversation with the manager about my chosen course and my previous experience. Manager of the company likes give a chance to people as well. If they prove themselves as a strong, interested at work and hardworking employee, they will stay in the company even if they do not have enough skills- such an action might motivate people for great performance during probation period and achieving the goals. There is 6 month probation period in the company. As in every company Advanz Hydrotherapy is experiencing some problems with management system which affect company performance as well. In my opinion there is no ideal manager, as staff is always unhappy with something. Manager role is the hardest and the dirtiest role ever, so why this company has the same problem as everywhere. Because of personal business manager might be too stressful sometimes and that fact might affect staff members, what actually de motivate and upset them. Company does not have a proper marketing department employee, whose daily duties involve: web page updating, text messaging, e mailing, promotions and news update in the Facebook page and twitter desk. The person who looks after this part of job is like a contracted employee and works on distance. Office administration is not the right person for such a role as this is not what she likes to do and not what she was trained/studied for. Such a situation is demotivating; create a stress and challenging her. She also do not have a lot of pleasure completing such a task, but also she has no a time and so on this affect company performance as promoting and informal tools do not look strong, competitive enough. Whats more this is not done on daily basis and that affect task quality and consistency. Doing text messaging I realize that phone list is not up to date. Company received a reply from some customers asking to stop messaging. Customer list was not up to date and that annoyed some costumers. So this factor shows company unprofessional side. Being placed in the marketing department I did not have a strong leader beside me and could not became inspired to become interested in such a work. Because of that I do realize I dont want to have any future work connected with marketing. Researching a lot of competitor web pages I find out that a lot of companies are working hard on e-marketing tools and strongly push products in the internet. Advanz Hydrotherapy did not come close to sell products online, but actually it is very common at the moment. I do understand company does not have a budget for such a person at the moment. But anyway such a factor should not destroy wo rk system of office administrator. There are good points about selecting staff in the company as well, as factory staff is work a lot in their initiative, they are ambitious, creative and they most important is they do care about their work. When there was a busy time for the company guys were always stayed overtime and there were not just money matters as saying again they trying their best to provide an excellent customer service. Manager sees their work and always appreciates it, whats more he is always delighted when guys are coming with new ideas. Manager always asking advices about technical part of work what makes them fill part of the team, being important and valuable, and for sure this is affect quality of their work. I have never heard any customer complain about the baths during my work experience. Summarizing the information above I might say that well-chosen, properly motivated and valued on time employee brings mighty harvest for employer: self-discipline, quality of work, the time of execution and the consequence of all this is usually constant clients and their respect, trust to the company. From another way a dissatisfied workforce may result in low productivity, strikes which will in turn have an adverse affect on the wealth of the owner. Conclusion Concluding the report information I have to say that planning the interview and selecting the rights candidates might seems like as easiest part of Human Resources tasks. But actually it is involve a lot of painstaking subtasks like creating advertising, selecting the CVs, organizing the interviews. The main question what HR management has to answer is -who is the company ideal employee is and how they can describe him, what is an essential skills and education required. Advanz Hydrotherapy manager uses like a lazy style of planning the interview and selecting the rights candidates. Such a style might be related to small company business. There is no departmentalization separation in the company as manager carries a lot of duties himself including Human Resources. Recommendation Observing company HRM system there was some recommendation made: To hire professional marketing person who will strongly orientated on pushing company products. During the bad days manager have to control his patience, as it is very easy to lose staff respect and that will affect company performance Manager has to keep appreciate staff initiative when undertaking some tasks, as this is really motivate staff members Manager has to keep communicate as much as possible with staff members as this will keep team work spirit and inspire staff members for better performance.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Difference Between Intrinsic and Instrumental Value

The distinction between intrinsic and instrumental value is one of the most fundamental and important in moral theory. Fortunately, it is not difficult to grasp. You value many things, such as beauty, sunshine, music, money, truth, and justice. To value something is to have a positive attitude toward it and to prefer its existence or occurrence over its nonexistence or nonoccurence. You can value it as an end, as a means to some end, or both. Instrumental Value You value most things instrumentally, that is, as a means to some end. Usually, this is obvious. For instance, you value a washing machine that works—purely for its useful function, or instrumental value. If there were a very cheap cleaning service next door that picked up and dropped off your laundry, you might use it and sell your washing machine because it no longer has any instrumental value to you. One thing nearly everyone values to some extent is money. But it is usually valued purely as a means to an end. It has instrumental value: It provides security, and you can use it to purchase things you want. Detached from its purchasing power, money is just a pile of printed paper or scrap metal. Intrinsic Value There are two notions of intrinsic value. It can be: Valuable in itself  Valued by someone for its own sake If something has intrinsic value in the first sense, this means that the universe is somehow a better place for that thing existing or occurring. Utilitarian philosophers like John Stuart Mill claim that pleasure and happiness are valuable in and of themselves. A universe in which a single sentient being is experiencing pleasure is better than one in which there are no sentient beings. It is a more valuable place. Immanuel Kant holds that genuinely moral actions are intrinsically valuable. He would say that a universe in which rational beings perform good actions from a sense of duty is an inherently better place than a universe in which this doesn’t happen. The Cambridge philosopher G.E. Moore says that a world containing natural beauty is more valuable than a world without beauty, even if there is no one there to experience it. To these philosophers, these things are all valuable in and of themselves. This first notion of intrinsic value is controversial. Many philosophers would say that it makes no sense to talk about things being valuable in themselves unless they are actually valued by someone. Even pleasure or happiness are only intrinsically valuable because they are experienced by someone. Value for Its Own Sake Focusing on the second sense of intrinsic value, the question arises: What do people value for its own sake? The most obvious candidates are pleasure and happiness. People value many things—wealth, health, beauty, friends, education, employment, houses, cars, and washing machines—because they think those things will give them pleasure or make them happy. It may seemingly make sense to ask why people want them. But both Aristotle and Mill pointed out that it doesn’t make sense to ask why a person wants to be happy. Most people value not only their own happiness, they also value the happiness of other people. They are sometimes willing to sacrifice their own happiness for the sake of someone else’s. People also sacrifice themselves or their happiness for other things, such as religion, their country, justice, knowledge, truth, or art. Those are all things that convey the second characteristic of intrinsic value: They are valued by someone for their own sake.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Feminist Reading of Shakespeares The Winters Tale Essay

A Feminist Reading of The Winter’s Tale In the Shakespearean tragedies we have studied, we have been exposed to tragic male protagonists who create their own downfall. Within these tragedies, Shakespeares female characters are vested with varying degrees of power in relation to the tragic heroes. In looking back at Othello, King Lear, and Macbeth, The Winters Tale can be seen as an extension of the exploration into the nature of women and power broached in his earlier tragedies, as well as an amendment for the misogynistic attitudes they contain. In our class discussions, we were vexed by a condition we found prevalent in both Othello and King Lear; both of these plays end with the deaths of two innocent women: Desdemona†¦show more content†¦Perhaps, it was Shakespeares recognition that his tragedies imposed limitations on the nature of his female characters that caused him to branch out and experiment in new forms. The Winters Tale allows for a more true-to-life exploration of its female characters because they must live in order for the drama to achieve its resolution. The emphasis, then, changes from portraying female characters as good or evil to understanding what they are about psychologically. In doing this Shakespeare revives the themes he was forced to kill off in his earlier tragedies, namely a wifes betrayal and womens relationship to power, and explores them from a perspective that is more sympathetic to women. The first three acts of The Winters Tale are reminiscent of Othello. Leontes, like Othello, falls into a jealous and groundless accusation of his innocent wife and provides the audience with the same type of misogynistic language we encounter in his earlier tragedy. In The Winters Tale, however, Hermione is publicly accused of her transgressions, giving her the opportunity to eloquently defend herself. The defiant warning that Hermione gives Leontes is indicative of the extent of the emotional damage that she is suffering and Leontes will suffer as a result of his false accusations: How this will grieve you, / When you shall come to clearer knowledge, that / You thus have published me! Gentle my lord, / You scarce can right me

Lost Minds A Study Of Alzheimers Disease Essay Example For Students

Lost Minds: A Study Of Alzheimers Disease Essay Lost Minds: A Study Of Alzheimers DiseaseLost Minds:A Study of Alzheimers DiseaseAlzheimers Disease is one of the most common diseases among elderly people today. Alzheimers creates emotional and financial catastrophe for many American families every year. It affects nearly 4 million people in the United States. Alzheimers Disease is the fourth leading cause of adult death in the United States, and nearly 90 billion dollars go towards Alzheimers research each year, most of this money is funded largely by Medicare and Medicaid, but the government funds some (Medical?). Many elderly people are thought to be crazy, people think the strain of their lives has been too much for their minds, when in fact the real problem may be a serious condition called Alzheimers. Alzheimers Disease is a degenerative brain disease. It is caused by a slow break down of the brain cells. Alois Alzheimer, a German physician, first discovered Alzheimers Disease in 1906. The first recorded case of Alzheimers Disease was a 55-year-old woman. She was admitted to the mental asylum where Alzheimer worked when she was 51 and slowly deteriorated over her 4 years there. After her death, Alzheimer performed an autopsy in which he found a small, shrunken brain. This was the start of Alzheimers research. Since its discovery, Alzheimers Disease hasnt evolved much. Its much more common now and the symptoms are slightly enhanced, but the disease is relatively the same. The number of people with Alzheimers Disease is expected to increase dramatically as the baby boomers age (Davis). Some scientists believe that Alzheimers Disease may be caused by a mutation of a gene on chromosome 14, this mutation is related to about 8% of all Alzheimers cases (Alzheimers). Alzheimers patients a lso have an excess of aluminum in their brain tissues, which is linked to the disease and they lack hootropic agents, the chemicals that protect the brain cells. The early stages of the disease are often viewed as the consequences of aging, so Alzheimers often goes unrecognized. There are several stages to Alzheimers Disease. In the early stages people forget recent events, but they clearly remember things that happened many years ago. In the later stages of the disease, people can no longer remember past events and often do not recognize their family members. Some victims do not even recognize themselves. Alzheimers victims often suffer from impaired judgement. They may touch a hot stove burner not remembering that it can burn them. There have been cases where people with Alzheimers Disease nearly starve because they forget to eat for days. When my Great Grandma, who had Alzheimers, was left alone, she would drive from her home in Meade to Hugoton or Satanta trying to find Liberal. The disease can also cause people to be very tired. Patients may also have trouble with place and time. They may not recognize their own home of many years, and they may confuse morning with afternoon. Some patients with Alzheimers Disease will revert back to an almost child-like state. Some of the victims are very angry and aggressive while others are very calm and quiet. How fast the disease advances varies from person to person. Eventually, most people with Alzheimers disease become unable to care for themselves. Alzheimers Disease is not the direct cause of the victims deaths. The disease renders the patients bedridden and in their weakened condition they catch viruses such as pneumonia. Alzheimers attacks few people after age 60, but occurs in 20% of people who live to age 85 (Gillick). Alzheimers does not occur more in men or woman, but the disease is more prone to Caucasian people. Out of all the cases of Alzheimers in the United States, about three-fourths or three million of them are white people. Scientists do not know why this is, because black peoples brain cells are the same as those of white people (Gillick). Some scientists say that Alzheimers Disease is genetic, and it may be. Scientists say that if the disease is genetic, then it only occurs in every 4th or 5th generation, but that the disease must be ?turned on? by some outside factor. Doctors cant seem to figure out what the outside factor is. Some scientists even believe that Alzheimers may be caused by an excess of estrogen in the brain (Gillick). .u90c4d695db55dde27a603363b2fd0b1c , .u90c4d695db55dde27a603363b2fd0b1c .postImageUrl , .u90c4d695db55dde27a603363b2fd0b1c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u90c4d695db55dde27a603363b2fd0b1c , .u90c4d695db55dde27a603363b2fd0b1c:hover , .u90c4d695db55dde27a603363b2fd0b1c:visited , .u90c4d695db55dde27a603363b2fd0b1c:active { border:0!important; } .u90c4d695db55dde27a603363b2fd0b1c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u90c4d695db55dde27a603363b2fd0b1c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u90c4d695db55dde27a603363b2fd0b1c:active , .u90c4d695db55dde27a603363b2fd0b1c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u90c4d695db55dde27a603363b2fd0b1c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u90c4d695db55dde27a603363b2fd0b1c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u90c4d695db55dde27a603363b2fd0b1c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u90c4d695db55dde27a603363b2fd0b1c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u90c4d695db55dde27a603363b2fd0b1c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u90c4d695db55dde27a603363b2fd0b1c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u90c4d695db55dde27a603363b2fd0b1c .u90c4d695db55dde27a603363b2fd0b1c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u90c4d695db55dde27a603363b2fd0b1c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The pope the jews and Hitler EssayAlzheimers Disease is considered non-reversible. Many of the symptoms can be treated, but not the actual disease. To date, no chronic degenerative disease, Alzheimers or others, can be cured. Most therapies currently being used are experimental (Medical). The drugs Tacrine and Donepezil are the only two drugs proven effective in slowing the progress of Alzheimers Disease, and even they dont have a vast effect. Selegilin, the drug used to treat Parkinsons Disease, has been shown to delay symptoms of Alzheimers by about seven months in test cases, but doctors are not sure if it is safe for people yet (Davis). Some doctors suggest for people to take one ibuprofen a day, to help lower the risk of developing Alzheimers Disease. Daily supplements of vitamin E can help too. Thanks to medical breakthroughs and healthier lifestyles, Alzheimers patients can live longer then ever. There are no screening tests for Alzheimers Disease. In fact, brain tumors, blood clots, hypothyroidism and vitamin deficiencies have all been mistaken for Alzheimers. The reason for these mix-ups is that a head scan can not show Alzheimers Disease until well in to the disease. If the tumors or clots are small enough they might not be seen either and can produce nearly the same results (Alzheimers). Alzheimers disease is a serious and growing medical, social and economic problem. It affects millions of people in the United States and millions more around the world. When we look at elderly people and cast them off as crazy or senile we should stop and consider the root of their problems. We know more about the disease now then at any other time in history. Doctors are closer to a cure then ever, but until there is a cure for Alzheimers Disease, we are all at risk. Bibliography?Alzheimers Disease.? World Book Encyclopedia. 1998 ed. Davis, Patti. ?Long Good-Bye.? Ladies Home Journal. Nov. 1997: 170-175. Gillick, Muriel R. ?Tangled Minds.? New York: Penguin Books, 1998. ?Medical Self-Care.? Retrieved 4/13/99. Medicine Essays